If your out in public and someone hears you mention the word sex, they may act as if you said something awful. What could possibly be wrong with sex? If it weren't for sex, none of us would ever exist. Too many individuals are scared to talk about sex.Of course there are several pros and cons on the subject. However, sex is a major part of our lives. As a kid growing up in today's society, would you rather learn about sex from peer pressure, school, or parents? I would guess the vast majority would say parents. If we openly discussed it, there would ultimately be less disease, rape, and adolescent child birth. Kids would know how to protect themselves from a potential child molester. However, we all know that healthy sex is good for the body. Without reproduction humans, animals, insects, and sea creatures would become extinct. Furthermore, sex is an essential part of our lives whether we want to admit it or not. We shouldn't think of it as a bad thing. Sex is actually something that we need to fulfill that sensual urge. We just have to be wise about our decisions before becoming intimate with another individual. What ways do you think sex inadvertently effects you?
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