There are several teams that have never achieved champion status. Among these teams are players that are still getting paid an enormous salary and living like supreme beings. These professional athletes are on teams that accomplish very few wins per year, but are heavily rewarded for lousy play. They are comfortable just to be able to say they're on a professional sports team. They don't lose any sleep worrying about how to actually better themselves to increase their chances of obtaining a championship. These individuals are content with earning the big bucks, living in luxury, and occasionally being called to play. Do you think for one moment that the teams that aren't successful hate their lives? No, of course not. They are happy to be considered a pro. What job do you know where a person can sit and watch a game while still making millions? Basically the player isn't doing much at all, except waiting to have a chance to play during a game. The athlete no doubt will play their best while in the game. However, it isn't a problem whether they win or lose. They were able to play for a few minutes and retain their professional status. In the back of these players minds, they are aware that there is a possibility of them being traded or waived. Not being in the spotlight, may hurt some egos of the underachieving players. At the end of the day, they may realize that the fans deserve more effort from them. As a result, a major change may happen in the future. It is wrong for any professional athlete to behave in this manner. Players should do more than just show up.

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