

Friday, December 23, 2011

Likes and Dislikes

We all have our likes and dislikes. I like to sleep in on a rainy day. I dislike being cold after a warm, soothing shower. I rather enjoy a good movie with a close friend. I can't stand it when someone picks their nose , or spits in public. I love it when I have plenty of money to spend at the mall. I'm disappointed when others try to make you feel as if you aren't important. I like it when I look and feel great. I dislike how I feel before and after a tooth extraction. I enjoy traveling to a new place I have never been. I hate not being able to eat the foods that I crave due to health risk. I like to celebrate the holidays with someone special. What would life be like if we didn't have our differences? I guess its a good thing that we all have our likes and dislikes. Furthermore, I like going to a NBA basketball game, watching a live theatrical play, and being amazed by magic. However, I dislike bad hair days, traffic jams, and filthy public restrooms. What are some of your likes and dislikes?